October's Question to Discuss
- Discussion Topic #1: How did Academic Follow Up #1 go? Have them discuss the successes they had with the lesson and ways to run more effective lessons in the future.
- Discussion Topic #2: What have you done independently in your ninth grade advisory? Have them discuss what they have done and what they are planning to do. Also remind them to check up on the recipe cards of their ninth graders.
- Discussion Topic #3: Try to determine one school-based event that you could get your ninth graders to go to. It might be helpful to share some ideas as a large group, then have advisory groups choose one.
Link Leaders: Remember if you were absent on the day of the Crew Review, you should post your answers to these questions here. When you create your screen name, please post by your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL, so I know who you are.
1) The academic follow up went pretty well, I am not sure if they really changed the way they were going about things at school based on our conversations, but they were a lot more respectful than my group from last year. I think the follow-ups on the recipe cards have been the most helpful for me and for them.
2) Independently I visit them once or twice a week, right now I have been following up on the recipe cards, but in the future it will be just to chat and hang out with them.
3) I think our advisory should try to get them all to go to the musical, I know I have some bias here, but it is going to be really good and it is even cheaper than going to see a movie! Also it would expose them to another of the many things they can get involved in besides sports.
Sarah Waddle is one of my link crew leaders--and she rocks! She visits with her group of ninth graders consistently.
Also, I really like the idea of having them go to the musical!
Ms. Peifer
1.I think the follow up went pretty well. They seemed to talk more, from when the last time we saw them before.
2.Well today I went to their advisory, and i had a really good conversation with two of the freshmen. Ifound out that one of them lived really close to my house so that's cool.
3.I think that they should go to Feed the Need for Fresh Force or Mesibah,its my first year going and I thinks it would be fun for them to go.
Emy White~
1) The first follow up went really well. My freshman did great and actually had fun!!! What I can do better is to watch the time. I kinda had to rush at the end because I wasn't watching the clock.
2) We brought them donuts because our advisory did not win them originally. We also went in every day during Homecoming Spirit week to incourage them to dress for the day and to go to the game and dance.
3) We got most of them to go to the Homecoming football game. I want to get my freshman to go to a girls basketball game once the season starts because those are always so much fun!!!!!
1) First of all, the academic follow up went pretty well, however, it is hard to encourage some kids to try hard. If they are not going try then we cannot do a lot to motivate them. I think we mostly helped them realize they aren't the only ones with trouble and they can rely on each other.
2) Independently I just occasionally hang out in advisory. I am thinking my presence is just for them to know I can help them and if they need help they don't have to look far. Otherwise, I don't know much else we can do but talk given a little more than a half-hour at the most. I think just being someone to talk to without bias is helpful enough.
3) I think socially we have played as much of a role as we could as link crew leaders. Most of our ninth graders in advisory know who they are going to know. Our introducing them was just a catalyst. All we can do now is inform/invite them to things that they probably have already decided if they are attending. Nonetheless I would have to say we should invite them to our events and some girls basketball games.
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